Thursday, July 15, 2010

EM CH 1: " Look Dad, My Biology Teacher Is Selling Stereos at Circuit City" quotes/comments

" At least 20 percent of public school teachers report having second jobs outside the field of education"

- This quote makes me feel upset. For an education degree, teachers work hard through four to six years of college to have this career, only to find themselves still having a minimum wage job to help pay the bills. This is ridiculous! As much as society pretends to value education, I guess we don't value our educators; the ones responsible for our learning. Teachers clearly do not make as much as they should.

" My first teaching contract was in 1988 and I made $19,500".

- The comment above angers me. It is my understanding that principals, guidance counselors, and athletic directors make above $40,000, often $60,000- $80,000; and you have the sole provider in the school system making thousands of dollars less than those employees.

"There was a time in my life where I worked four jobs. I worked as a teacher, and then in the summer I worked all kinds of jobs- as a restaurant manager in Atlantic City, in an auction house, as a photographer, and as an SAT tutor".

- That statement is ridiculous! A teacher who works all year to teach the future of America, works four jobs during the time that is supposed to be her break! That is just not fair for an adult to have to work that much, on top of family time and household chores.

"I spent $ 3,900 of my own money last year on my classroom"

- That is absolutely absurd! I'm sure the instructional materials were needed, which is why this quote makes me angry. If a school system can not provide a good salary to its teachers, they should at least supply the materials needed to instruct!

"Working my second job, I'm making more money than somebody with a master's and twenty- plus years of experience, which is sad"

- That is sad! All the money and time spent on college, to have to work two jobs that pay more than those with master degrees. Almost makes you wonder what the point of becoming a teacher and obtaining a masters degree is.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Research Question

Why do people believe the world will end in 2012, and what evidence is there that proves this prediction?

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

CH 3 "Higher Education: Colder by Degrees" repsonse

After the chapter 3 reading, "Higher Education: Colder by Degrees" by Myra and David Sadker, I learned of something occurring in the college system that I was previously unaware of. The article explains how men and women are unequal in the classroom. Men tend to be more dominant in discussions, as women seem to keep quite and low-key. Not only do the men take over the discussions, but sit in the front, close to the professor, where women sit on the other side of the room, almost in hiding. The professor is mainly to blame for this, as they tend to favor male students more. Professors are said to take the male side in discussion, while they may disagree or not fully listen to what the woman has to say. Compliments are given to the men by the professor after they have spoken up, where woman are only somewhat acknowledged. Eye contact is usually only made with males on the professor's part as well. As you can see, even at the college level, there is a great deal of biased actions in the classroom. Although there could be complaints and charges filed on behalf of the woman, they don't bother with it and often simply drop or fail the course, in the mind set that nothing will happen to the professor and it will be pointless.
My opinion on what i have read in the article is that the whole thing is simply ridiculous! I think today's society has proven that woman can be just as successful and as important as men! I am so sick of the sexism in the world today, and am shocked to hear that it is so common at the college level. Personally, if I ever experience that feeling, I will call the professor out on it or do something, rather than sit there and take it. I am not pay thousands of dollars a year to feel like I'm not important and my opinion doesn't matter simply because I am a woman. I am going to college for an education, just as the men are, and will not receive any less of it because a professor is sexist. I think most woman are actually smarter than most men in many areas. So, no one will ever be make me feel discriminated against in that manner. It is uncalled for and unprofessional. The professors known of such a crime should be punished, as it is a serious offense. We are living in 2010, gender roles have significantly changed over the last 50 years!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Personal Response to: " What is a writer?..."

What is a writer? A writer is someone who documents their thoughts, shares their dreams, tells a story and expresses their opinions. I feel as though they are laid back and comtherable, as they often of tell personal happenings to their audience. They must have the ability to be open.I do not have a clear picture of a writer, as writer may be anyone. Everyone has the ability to write. This art is not difficult, and usually, there are limited restrictions. As the pen is in your hand, or the keyboard at your fingertips, a writer is free to speak their mind.
Characteristics of a writer include, but not limited to, creative abilities, expressive personalities, patience, knowledge,outspoken habits, memory, and the element of imagination. I believe I fit the image of a writer, as most people do too. I write about my opinions/feelings on a subject, past and future experiences, and thoughts on various subjects. As I have said, anyone can be a writer. All you need to be a successful writer is the materials and a little insight.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Response to: Chapter 2 " Changing Classes? The promises and Pitfalls of Education".

After the personal reading, " Changing Classes? The Promises and Pitfalls of Education" in the Education Matters book, it is evident that what class you are plays a major role in education. For example, a student from the lower class is poorly educated, where a student from middle class is educated well, leaving high class with the top education level. Although it is not fair, this makes sense to me. Students from low-incomed areas and families can not afford the education they deserve. They lack the funds to improve their school system, purchase supplies, and overall, get the most out of their education opportunity.
As the reading goes on, the story is told of Alexie, an Indian boy who tells of his education, struggles, and accomplishments throughout his educational experience. He spends much of his childhood being discriminated against for his ethnicity. Although he performs well academically, some teachers did not accept that and treated him as though he was not good enough. He attends a very poor school on a reservation, where education is not necessarily as good as it could be. It all leads back to the fact that he is Indian, and not white. He moves to a farm town high school, where education is more valued, as he learns more than in the past. As Alexia graduates, he is perhaps one of the smartest students in his graduating class, as he is valedictorian. As for the students on the reservation, many did not learn the skills they should have, as many still cannot read. They spend their lives, as their parents, in the bar scene. Alexie was able to become more successful after attending the better school.
As you can see, a person's life can be changed by simply attending the right school. Alexie could have wound up as an alcoholic, low life, stuck on the reserve. Instead, he will most likely live a happy, successful life. All of this has occurred by switching to a better education. Education is key to a future. Without this, you can count on a miserable life, full of stress and sorrow. The low income children could also have a bright future if given the educational opportunity. Just because they were raised low class, and made to feel less intelligent and important, does not mean that they cannot do what the higher class students can, they are just not given the opportunity to shine.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

A Sky View of the OU campus

When I see this photo of the beautiful Ohio University campus in Athens, Ohio, the beauty of it makes me proud to be a part of the campus. The eye-catching athletic complexes make me excited to be a part of and be a fan of OU athletics. The somewhat large campus triggers an overwhelming emotion to me, as I will need to find my way around it as a student this year.Not only is the campus pleasing to my eyes, but the outside of the campus as well. As part of the Appalachian area of Ohio, Athens is overwhelming in its outdoor structures. The Hocking River and Hocking Hills add a scenic interest to many whom travel through this area.

Overall, the picture kind of makes me anxious to get started and become a part of OU. From the amazing campus, to the great outdoors that surrounds it, Ohio University is a beautiful place to be. Unlike the city, OU appears to be a relaxing atmosphere, that has been conserved as this laid-back area, which brings about a feeling of welcoming. I hope to see more of its inner beauty as I find my way around campus and discover what it has to offer. I'm proud to be an OU Bobcat and part of this amazing town!